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"Become the person you don't allow yourself to be."

I have always thought that I was undeserving of anything in this life. I do not know where this self-limiting belief originated from, however, it has lingered in the back of my mind, and used to be an insurmountable wall to any endeavour I birthed.


xJaleem is me finally putting a stop to that. It is a place of creation. It holds tools to help assist me in my journey, but it also houses the creations from my own delve into self-discovery and learning who I am. It is my hope that it will also become such a place for you.

It truly is amazing how much fear and lack of self-worth can hold one back. It freezes you in time, essentially presses "pause" on your life, bringing you to a complete standstill. I first started this journey in 2010, yet it is now 2024, and I have only just begun to free myself and exert my will into this world - expressing who I am in this moment.


I sincerely hope it does not take as long for you.

Our Story

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